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Getting Paid in USD Never Sounded Sweeter

Canadian's often get paid in USD for all sorts of reasons. Maximize your USD salary, bonuses or stock options with the best exchange rates to boost your earnings.

Maximize Your Earnings

Get real appreciation for your money with the guaranteed best exchange rates and no transaction fees. We work with thousands of customers who work at the top tech and gaming companies, in Hollywood North's bustling film industry, at marketing and advertising firms, cross border consultants, remote workers and others who get paid by invoice or salary in USD. Secure online transfers between your Canadian multicurrency bank accounts maximizing the earnings you receive while locking in live rates.

VBCE offers our clients the option of either an Online foreign exchange account or a dedicated FX Trader working with you to streamline your USD/CAD currency exchange transactions efficiently.

Best Fit Check

Online FX Account

I prefer an automated booking platform
I like the ability to book trades 24/7
No sign up or ongoing maintenance fees
Having trust in a secured platform is important to me

Work with a Dedicated FX Trader

I want an expert watching the markets for me
I'm interested in spot or forward trades
No sign up or ongoing maintenance fees
Quick and easy payment and settlement options